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What is Halotherapy?

Halotherapy, also known as dry Salt Therapy, is a holistic approach that mimics the microclimate of a salt cave. Dry salt air is dispersed into an enclosed environment (room, bed, booth, cabin) through a unique process generated by a halogenerator. This dry pure sodium chloride is then crushed into micro-sized particles and dispersed into the air in an enclosed environment. For more information on research, please visit the Global Wellness Institute.

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How does it work?

Pure “dry” sodium chloride is heated and ground up in a machine called a halogenerator. The micro-sized crushed salt particles are then dispersed into the air in an enclosed environment.

When the salt is inhaled, the tiny particles penetrate deep into the lungs. As the particles dissolve they attract positively charged impurities, which can then be coughed up or leave the body during metabolic processes via the bloodstream.

Studies have proved that salt inhalation can help to alleviate asthma symptoms, as well as helping with a variety of skin issues including decreasing itchiness, drying small fissures/scratches and helping to reduce dermatitis symptoms. When combined with a complementary thermal treatment such as heated loungers, Halotherapy can also help reduce the symptoms of stress and anxiety too.

What areas benefit from halotherapy?

Asthma, Allergies, COPD, Cystic Fibrosis, Cold & Flu Symptoms, Sinusitus, Bronchitis

Respiratory conditions are improved by the salt drawing out the impurities in the upper and lower airways. It stimulates the body’s internal processes for cleansing and removing build-up of foreign particles. Halotherapy is also anti-inflammatory, opening bronchial tubes in the lungs and reducing inflammation in the sinuses.  Salt therapy also strengthens the respiratory functions and breaks up and clears moisture and mucus.

Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Dermatitis, Rosacea, Dry Itchy Skin, Ageing Skin

Halotherapy naturally triggers the skin microcirculation and membrane activity and enhances protective and reparative properties. It is anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory, therefore kills any germs on the skin and helps with any inflammation of the skin.

Increased Strength, Lung Function, Oxygen Saturation

Sporting performance can be enhanced through Halotherapy. Airways are expanded for increased lung function, oxygen saturation and exchange is increased and abdominal wall muscleas are strengthened which helps increase lung capacity and oxygenation. Halotherapy can also help with muscle endurance and recovery.

Stress Reduction

Improved breathing technique induces calm and relaxation.

Why is Halotherapy becoming so popular?

Allergies and respiratory illnesses are chronic and growing epidemics as the world becomes more and more toxic every day. 1 in 5 people in the UK suffer from a respiratory illness and 1 in 4 people have some form of skin disease/condition.  Salt therapy is an easy, accessible therapy to help with this.   It is also an all-natural therapy which appeals to people looking to limit/minimise use of pharmaceuticals.
It also appeals to athletes who are looking for that additional edge.

What kind of salt is used?

99.99% pure sodium chloride (Pharmaceutical grade salt). It contains no fillers or caking agents. It does come from a natural source but it is naturally processed to remove all of its impure elements. It’s the same salt that hospitals use and is the same type of salt all the research has been conducted on. We do not recommend Himalayan or sea salt as it is not stripped of all the impurities. There could be dirt, clay or some type of debris that could be harmful to the lungs. It’s very healthy for the digestive system but not for the respiratory system.

What is the treatment duration per session?

Sessions can range from 15-45 minutes depending on the size of the room.
Activities such as yoga and pilates can also be done in larger rooms.

Are there any side effects?

There are typically no side effects other than the taste of salt and potentially thirst or a scratchy throat. However, if someone is on any medications or suffers from any serious medical issue please seek medical advice before any therapy.

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